Grateful Dyed
what kraft say about kool-aid hair dye

Advanced techniques? Well yeah, if what you mean are streaks and highlights. Cause that's what i mean. And what follows is how to do them... cause yeah, highlighted hair is awesome. And streaks look great. And this is what it's all about...

Basically, streaks and highlights are about the same thing... applying the dye to specific strands of hair. The difference? Streaks are generally in a contrasting color to the rest of your hair whilst (whilst?) highlights are complimentary ("yeah, you sure look great today...")...

Both streaks and highlights can be applied whether or not you're dying the rest of your hair. It just doesn't matter. Except for with streaks. Then it does make it a bit trickier if you are... but not much.

The most important element in both cases is separating the strands of hair you want to highlight or streak from the rest. And keeping them separate. It can be done in a coupla ways...

You can wear a shower cap and pluck strands of hair through the top of it with a knitting needle. Or pencil. Or something. Then apply a kool-aid paste to those strands. This is probably the best way if you want to dye the bulk of your hair one color and have contrasting streaks on the chosen strands (remember to dye the rest of your hair before you put the shower cap on. It's probly also best if you just want contrasting streaks. Or if you just want to apply highlights. Yeah, whichever, it's a winner.

If you want to dye your whole head and have slightly darker highlights, try applying an extra thick kool-aid paste (again) to those strands after dying all of your hair with the method of your choice. Then wrap those strands up separately before wrapping your head. This'll give the extra dying power you want.

As you can see, the important thing for streaks is keeping the hair to be streaked away from the wrong kind of dye, and the important thing for highlights is to maximise the dye those strands receive. It's gonna look great. Let me know. And email me if you have any problems. Or questions. Or photos. Or all three. Good luck... and if you can help make it better then do... either use the form or (again) email me. Then it'll work just as great (or not nearly as bad) for everyone.